The way things are named in the Pentagon these days, maybe the Navy should change its name to the United States Water Force. #mbnov

The pampas grass was knocked down by a storm. I had to bind each tuft up with string to keep it off the ground. It looks ridiculous. #mbnov

The kids across the street are using a bicycle pump to inflate a glow-in-the-dark basketball so they can keep playing. #mbnov

What will the holiday shopping season be like this year? Without all the hustling and bustling? It’s puzzling. #mbnov

Old pickup truck with Farm Use plates, up on blocks. Drive shaft lying on the ground. Underneath the chassis, near the socket wrenches, a crystal ashtray. #mbnov

According to the OED, “astonish” used to be the word for what an electric eel does to you. “Stunned” also used to be spelled with an “o”. I love dictionaries.

The smartest professors warned last summer not to schedule any exams this week. No matter how things come out, the students won’t be able to concentrate. #mbnov

“Once upon a midnight dreary…” is all done for now. November 1st is a traditional holiday for ravens after the rush of October. #mbnov

Playing a CD of Mozart’s 1st Horn Concerto in my car. Park. Go into hardware store, where they’re playing Mozart’s 2nd Horn Concerto. 🧐

A pileated woodpecker has come by this morning to tell me I have termites in the timbers around a raised bed in my garden.

This is the time of year when my neighbors complain about my lawn, because I refuse to mow wildflowers in bloom.

The biggest problem with bluetooth headsets is that you can’t solve problems by unplugging them and plugging them back in.

Last fall I raked up leaves to use in the compost heap this spring. Piled them in the back yard by the fence. Every morning, a squirrel comes and digs in it because he knows that piles of oak leaves have acorns underneath, and one day he’ll find them.

Just came in from planting kale in the vegetable garden. Kind of a surprise to see the water turn brown when I washed my hands. First time in a week.

Neighborhood dog-walker had an old bulldog with her & two little terriers straining their leashes in different directions. “Water molecule!” I said, but nobody laughed.